I'll never grow up  

Posted by Stephen Lowe

I have a skateboard I keep at the office. I bought it for myself on a birthday a few years ago, maybe my 25th, I can't remember. I used to skate all the time when I was in middle and high school. I loved it. I broke my foot on a launch ramp and was back on the board the next day with a cast on my right leg. This week, while skateboarding at the office, I was able to ollie a 12 pack of coke and clear it by a full deck, land a few kick flips and am nailing pop shuvits like I was 13. My shins and upper ankles are beaten and bruised pretty badly but it was so worth it.

Tonight Ethan and I were playing in the basement and I remembered something me and my cousin used to do when we were little. It involves stairs, a cheap sleeping bag, a bruised rear end and a lot of laughter, but more than that it requires that you be young at heart.

Now that you are through laughing, what are you doing that keeps you young?

Give Back  

Posted by Stephen Lowe

The Fusion Give Back is in full effect and the stories are really starting to roll in now.  These stories are amazing and really speak about the hearts of the people at Fusion.  Check it out at http://www.fusiongiveback.com

Lights, Ornaments, Action!  

Posted by Stephen Lowe

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, of all the trees I loath thee

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, of all the trees I loath thee

Each year you bring to me a sight, of gooey sap and needle blight

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, of all the trees I loath thee

I'm not a scrooge, I just a fan of the sapless permanent needle Christmas tree, known to the uneducated as the fake or artificial tree.  I say uneducated because anyone with Christmas tree handling experience knows that the sapless permanent needle Christmas tree is far superior in every way to a "real" or "live" tree.  Some may argue that a "real" tree looks better than the SPNC tree but with  the advancements in plastics, composite materials and the inclusion of LED lights, that is no longer true.  Until we figure out how to grow a tree with included lights, no sap and needles that don't fall off, I will continue to be a fan of the SPNC tree.  Unfortunately, Stephanie is a fan of the "real" tree so I will happily become covered in sap and make myself dizzy wrapping and unwrapping lights on a tree that will die in a week and leave a trail of dead needles through the house.

So, what kind of tree are you rockin?

beautyBeautiful SPNC Tree charlie brown "Real" Tree

I have HD?  

Posted by Stephen Lowe

I watched Heroes last night in full 1080i HD, it was glorious.  I'm embarrassed to admit that I just discovered this weekend that I have HD.  We changed to the cable company DVR a few months back from our replayTV unit in the living room.  When the guy installed it, he said they (Charter) sent a HD capable box out for our install.  If I ever wanted to have HD I just needed to call and have it turned on.  I still could not justify the cost for it so I was like, whatever.  Well when my inlaws were here for the holiday, I noticed my brother in law was watching football on one of the HD channels with no problem or need to subscribe notice on the screen.  I went in the DVR and my TV setup and changed everything over to the 1080i settings and was presented with a beautifuly crisp, detailed picture of the football game.  I quickly discovered I get all of the network channels that offer HD plus ESPN but none of the expanded cable HD channels like Discovery.  But, football, Heroes, The Unit, Prison Break and 24 all come in fine in HD, how sweet is that!

About Me

My name is Stephen Lowe. I'm a Christ follower, Husband, Father, Technologophile and Metalhead. This is where I dump my observations and opinions on whatever strikes me as noteworthy. Enjoy, discuss, disagree, I'm cool with whatever.

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