New Addiction  

Posted by Stephen Lowe

I took the plunge and acted on a offer to get a free book from audible.  I've been kicking around trying audible for a while now, I really enjoy listening to podcasts and thought I might like books as well.  Microsoft just released an update to the Zune software that included audible compatibility so now I am set.  Having never really done the books on tape/CD thing before I wasn't sure what to expect.  So far I love it.  The free book offer was for an audible exclusive called METAtropolis which is a bizarre futuristic sci-fi type of book that is broken into small novellas, each written by a different author.  I haven't read much sci-fi stuff since high school but have thoroughly enjoyed the first part of this book.  I'm excited about listening to the rest of this book as well as delving into some of the other deeper books I'm wanting to read.  Now I've just got to figure out how to fit the monthly fee into my budget :)


About Me

My name is Stephen Lowe. I'm a Christ follower, Husband, Father, Technologophile and Metalhead. This is where I dump my observations and opinions on whatever strikes me as noteworthy. Enjoy, discuss, disagree, I'm cool with whatever.

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