Blog Changes  

Posted by Stephen Lowe

I cannot find a theme for my blog that I am happy with and I dont have time to create my own. This one is marginally cool but I'm still shopping. Also, registered and got it going here today. I've been trying to get but some squatter has it doing absolutely nothing with it. Maybe they will respond to my emails and not want a fortune for it. Let me know if this theme sucks.


Just so you know, this theme does not suck. I know you only said to let you know if it does, but as no one has said anything yet, I figured some feedback might be preferable to none at all.

About Me

My name is Stephen Lowe. I'm a Christ follower, Husband, Father, Technologophile and Metalhead. This is where I dump my observations and opinions on whatever strikes me as noteworthy. Enjoy, discuss, disagree, I'm cool with whatever.

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